We are proud to offer an extensive range of quality products that are designed and manufactured in the UK including hand tied rigs and custom made mats and slides. This ensures that we can guarantee not only the quality but ensuring all our products are fish safe.
NEW Products
Introducing our new range of products for 2023. A highlight of the new collection is the new Weigh Sling. The Cat Sling was designed by our own team and has features that are specifically designed for Cat Fish. Fish welfare and safety is paramount and with the Cat Sling we have created the safest Weigh Sling on the market.
Click Below to find out more information on our exciting new ranges.
THE CCG (estd. 1984) is the World’s first club dedicated to fishing for the wels catfish, (Latin name – Silurus glanis), also called the European or Danubian catfish. They are based in England but have catfishing members all over the World. If you want to know more information about the wels catfish, where to find them and how to catch them, or want to get advice or ideas about specialist catfishing tackle then click below!